Scrabble Club Alternate Mondays at 2pm

Parent &
Toddler Group 9.15am to 11am
(During Term Time)
Open Door - First Tuesday of each month 12 noon to 2.30pm
Upon arriving we all say a prayer, then go into the Hall
for home made soup and crusty rolls, we do different activities ranging from arts & crafts to a fun quiz before
finishing the afternoon with tea and cake. We then play everyone's favourite game - ‘Bingo’! There may be many people
in the community who might benefit from the relaxed, fun, friendly atmosphere so if anyone knows of an older person who would like some
company then please invite them to join us everyone is welcome. Please
do let us know if you require transport and we can arrange it for you.
We would also like to extend our thanks and gratitude to all those
who provide transport, make and serve soup, tea and cake, participate in
activities, quizzes etc.
St Columba's Choir - We meet for practice alternate Tuesdays at 2pm. If this isn't a convenient time or day then don't let that put you off, you can just come along to our Sunday service at 10am and just join in!
The Ladies’ Group - We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in the church hall (except August). The group is open to everyone in the community and further afield. We are a friendly group and enjoy a variety of speakers, we often have wine and cheese evenings and always have fun. We go out for a lunch time meal in January and an evening meal in July for all those who wish to attend.
During advent in December we join the Mothers' Union for a Quiet Night followed by mince pies and shortbread. We have our own Quiet Night in Lent to prepare us for Holy Week and the celebration of Easter.
Everyone is welcome! Transport can be arranged. For further information please contact the churchwardens on 0191 2362280.

Mothers’ Union Second Thursday of each month at 2pm
As a Christian mission charity we seek to support families
of all kinds. Wherever we work in the
world the need to support families is now greater than ever. In over 80 countries, 4 million members
worldwide share a vision – to bring about a world where God’s love is shown
through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships.
It is by working together that communities can be transformed.
Mothers’ Union’s mission and values:
Wherever Mothers’ Union is, we will express our Christian faith in the transformation of families and communities worldwide.
We will achieve this by promoting the importance of marriage, supporting families and nurturing faith; with members sensitively spreading the news of God who loves and cares for us all.
Mothers’ Union is a Christian mission organisation working with people of all faiths and none. We are firmly rooted in a voluntary ethos centred on mutual respect and collaboration.
Our governance, leadership and activities are driven by and undertaken through members within their own communities worldwide.
Mothers’ Union is working together to see communities transformed.
Praying Together
Throughout all our work, prayer sustains and strengthens. A ‘Wave of Prayer’ goes around the world as members pray together every day at midday, wherever they are, for the people and the work of the Mothers’ Union and for international issues affecting families.
Enabling Together
From parenting groups, prison ministry, community health education, to relief and development programmes, Mothers’ Union works through volunteer members to create a lasting change for families and therefore communities, members are driven by their faith but work with people of all faiths and none.
Campaigning Together
Mothers’ Union won’t wait for hard times to hit families. We campaign locally, nationally and internationally for social justice for those on the margins and for greater recognition of the value of stable family life.
St Columba’s Branch
As well as additional meetings for special reasons, the members at St Columba’s meet on the second Thursday of each month, at 2pm in Church for worship, followed by the meeting in the Church Hall. We have a speaker each month who talks to us about a subject relevant to the work we do. Sometimes it is someone involved in Mothers’ Union work, other times it is someone from another organisation working to serve those in need.
As well as supporting national projects such as the work for those in need overseas, St Columba’s members operate a Food Bank for those in need in the Wideopen and Seaton Burn Area. They provide emergency toiletry bags for those admitted to the local hospitals, shoe boxes with much needed items to the Peoples’ Kitchen for those who live on the streets of Newcastle, are involved in numerous ways, visiting the sick and assisting in the work of the Church and many other projects as the need arises.
New members are always welcome. Come and visit our meeting and talk to members and see for yourself how special it is to become a member of the Mothers’ Union.
It is by working together that communities can be transformed.
Mothers’ Union’s mission and values:
Wherever Mothers’ Union is, we will express our Christian faith in the transformation of families and communities worldwide.
We will achieve this by promoting the importance of marriage, supporting families and nurturing faith; with members sensitively spreading the news of God who loves and cares for us all.
Mothers’ Union is a Christian mission organisation working with people of all faiths and none. We are firmly rooted in a voluntary ethos centred on mutual respect and collaboration.
Our governance, leadership and activities are driven by and undertaken through members within their own communities worldwide.
Mothers’ Union is working together to see communities transformed.
Praying Together
Throughout all our work, prayer sustains and strengthens. A ‘Wave of Prayer’ goes around the world as members pray together every day at midday, wherever they are, for the people and the work of the Mothers’ Union and for international issues affecting families.
Enabling Together
From parenting groups, prison ministry, community health education, to relief and development programmes, Mothers’ Union works through volunteer members to create a lasting change for families and therefore communities, members are driven by their faith but work with people of all faiths and none.
Campaigning Together
Mothers’ Union won’t wait for hard times to hit families. We campaign locally, nationally and internationally for social justice for those on the margins and for greater recognition of the value of stable family life.
St Columba’s Branch
As well as additional meetings for special reasons, the members at St Columba’s meet on the second Thursday of each month, at 2pm in Church for worship, followed by the meeting in the Church Hall. We have a speaker each month who talks to us about a subject relevant to the work we do. Sometimes it is someone involved in Mothers’ Union work, other times it is someone from another organisation working to serve those in need.
As well as supporting national projects such as the work for those in need overseas, St Columba’s members operate a Food Bank for those in need in the Wideopen and Seaton Burn Area. They provide emergency toiletry bags for those admitted to the local hospitals, shoe boxes with much needed items to the Peoples’ Kitchen for those who live on the streets of Newcastle, are involved in numerous ways, visiting the sick and assisting in the work of the Church and many other projects as the need arises.
New members are always welcome. Come and visit our meeting and talk to members and see for yourself how special it is to become a member of the Mothers’ Union.
We now have 'Bills Book Club' too. The dates of these meetings at one of the congregations houses vary each month so please enquire on the above number if you would like to join this informal group for a lovely social evening. The books we read monthly vary immensely and are suggested by book club members.
For further details on any of these activities, please contact the individuals on the relevant poster or alternatively see our Contacts.
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