If you've never been to Church with children and you're frightened of the noise they might make, then why not try our Coffee, Crafts and Worship service?  This is held on the last Sunday of each month at 3.30pm and our next service is on Sunday 31st January.

It's a safe environment for you to 'try out' Church with any children you may care for.  We start in the Church hall with craft activities and have tea or coffee and juice for the children.  After that we move into Church with a very informal Bible story and service in which the children take an active part.

Children's voices are welcome in our Church so please don't be worried about noise.  Please pop along, you'll be made very welcome!




COFFEE MORNING Saturday 6th February

Our coffee morning takes place on Saturday 6th February between 10am and 11.30am.  We'll have a small cake stall, raffle and Easter stall.  Entrance costs £1 and includes tea or coffee and biscuits galore.  Why not come along and join us?



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