Autumn Fair

Our Autumn Fair took place on Saturday 9th November.  We were lucky because the weather was kind that day which means that more people come along and joined in our day.  Lots of preparation always takes place in the months, weeks and hours leading up to the fair and this year was no exception.  Tables were moved into position and stalls set out for our visitors to enjoy.  The months of hard work began to pay off as things took shape. 
When the doors opened at 2pm our visitors joined us to enjoy our wonderful stalls.  These included our lovely cake stall, homemade jams, bathroom stall, craft stall and bottle and chocolate tombolas.
There was entertainment for some of our younger visitors too, as one of our stalls was a toy stall and a tombola which gave a ‘prize every time’.
The ‘kitchen ladies’ worked tirelessly as always, providing refreshments for both the workers and visitors alike.  Personally I enjoyed a few lovely cups of coffee and a nice pavlova, yum yum.
It was lovely to see so many join us for our Autumn fair and if you weren’t able to make it this time then look out for forthcoming events on our ‘Future Events’ page.
Many thanks to everyone who helped both on the day of the fair and for the months leading up to it.  We couldn't do it without all of your help.  Thanks also to our visitors who helped it make it such a success.  Hope you enjoyed your visit and please come again!


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