We held our Summer Fair this
year in July 2014 and we were thankful that the day was blessed with beautiful
sunshine. We were able to ‘spread out’
in our church grounds and enjoy both the lovely weather and the wonderful
people who attended our fair.
We held a bottle tombola
which was one of our most popular stalls as always and we also had a chocolate tombola
which both ‘sold out’!
Our cake stall was bigger and
better than ever and we have some wonderful cooks who happily bake for us each
year and produce some marvellous treats for us to all enjoy. There was a tremendous array of cakes and a
choice available for everyone.
This year we were also lucky
enough to have a display from Greenfields
School on show which
showcased the great work they’ve been doing this year. It was great to see the work of these
talented children and thank you to everyone involved for letting us join in
this great work. It’s lovely when our
church and local community can all be involved together.
There were many things on
offer for children this year too. We had
a bouncy castle, face painting, teddy bears picnic and children’s raffle all
based in the vicarage garden. This
enabled the children to run around and enjoy their own space without feeling
too inhibited by too many grown ups. The
ice cream man who was on site was a welcome addition too! I did see the vicar make two trips to the van
(but don’t tell him I told you!)
We had a lovely choice of
food on offer too and the ladies in the kitchen did a sterling job of serving
teas, coffees and afternoon teas.
As always the atmosphere was
brilliant and it would be wonderful to see even more of the local community
joining in with our next fair. Look at
our ‘future events’ page to see what’s coming up and please join us and enjoy
our church community spirit.
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