A group of students from Seaton Burn School will be in our Hall on Wednesday 11th February from 10am till 2.45pm.  Why not come along and let the students practice their skills on you after the 9.30am Eucharist.

The students need this experience in order to obtain their qualifications so why not come along and have a pamper whilst also helping our local school?



We are hosting a coffee morning in conjunction with North Tyneside Social Services which is open to everyone in the community.  This is in support of those who suffer constant pain or care for someone in pain.  This is being help on Wednesday 18th February at 11am in the Church Hall.

Advice will be given on pain management and how to access further help.  The hope is that this group will become a regular meeting so please come along and join in and get some support if you need it.



Want to find out a bit about Lent and what it involves.  Why not get involved in our Lent course which will be held on a Tuesday evening.  The time is yet to be finalised but if you would like to know more then email us at or telephone Fr Geoff on 0191 2362280.
We're not just a Church, we're a community!
Come along and join us . . .


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