Why not come along to our Family Crib Service on Christmas Eve at 6pm?

This is a wonderful family service which includes our blessing of the Crib and a Nativity play by some of our talented youngsters.  It is normally a very popular service and helps the younger ones get an experience of the true meaning of Christmas.  We always sing some lovely carols to get everyone in the mood for Christmas Day and it's a wonderful service for the whole family to come along to.

We also have a Midnight Mass at 11.30pm on Christmas Eve.  This is a candle-lit service which heralds the birth of Jesus and is a wonderful celebration service for those who love traditional Christmas celebrations.

Our Family Eucharist on Christmas Day is at 10am or if you prefer we also have a spoken Eucharist at 8am on Christmas morning.

On 27th December at 4pm we have our Community Carol service and would be thrilled if you could join us at any (or all) of these services.

If you have family staying over Christmas or friends over, then please invite them to any of our services.  You'll be made most welcome!

Hope we see you there . . .


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