Our Trip to Holy Island - 8th June 2019
On June 8th, the day that everyone in the Diocese was praying for good weather, a group from St Columba's Wideopen (in the Christ the King Team) enjoyed a trip to Holy Island, to celebrate our patron saint. The weather was wet, but cleared a bit as we arrived, and the welcome was very warm. Revd. Canon Kate Tristram spoke to us on the subject of the Island Saints - and we could willingly have continued with questions much longer! Revd. Canon Sarah Hills kindly allowed us to celebrate a Eucharist for St Columba. The group had lunch and then our youngest members found crabs in the rock pools on St Cuthbert's beach. Others explored the shops or visited the castle and the Island Life Museum. We really didn't have long enough - so I'm sure St Columba's will be back!
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